September 9th, 2022

Voice Recognition

September 9th, 2022

Dear District 57 Families, 

Mount Prospect School District 57 is proactively participating in a districtwide Equity Audit, and we need your feedback as part of the process. Equity is about fairness and inclusion and removing barriers to leverage access and opportunity for all. The purpose of the Equity Audit is to identify areas of strength and needed improvement when it comes to our efforts to advance educational equity. 

We need your voice! Parent/Guardian focus groups will consist of about 6-8 families or caregivers to answer specific questions. There are no right or wrong answers to the questions as they are based on your experiences and perspectives. For example, you may be asked a question such as: What do you like about your child’s school? What do you wish were different about your child’s school? All responses are confidential, and no names of focus group participants will be recorded.  There are limited spaces in each slotted focus group so please sign-up immediately. Each focus group is one hour in length. There are no make-ups for missed focus groups. Participants are asked to make arrangements to attend and arrive on time. 
Please click here if you are interested in participating in a Parent/Guardian Focus Group.
Another way we are also collecting feedback is through surveys. In about one week, all D57 Parents/Guardians will receive an email invitation to complete an anonymous survey. Like the focus group, the survey is optional, but your participation is welcomed. The questions or statements on the surveys are different from the focus groups, therefore, you can choose to participate in the focus group and the survey.

For questions or concerns about the student focus groups, please contact Roberta Flack at [email protected]
In the spirit of education,

Dr. Mary Gorr
District 57 Superintendent 
© 2025. Mount Prospect School District 57. All Rights Reserved.
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