Attendance Information

25-26 Kindergarten Registration Now Open!
Kindergarten registration for the 2025-2026 school year is now open. Click on this link for more information and to begin the enrollment process for your child.
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Attendance Information

Absences from School
The District strongly believes that attendance in school is crucial to a child's school success. The parent/guardian of a student who is enrolled must authorize all absences from school and notify the school in advance or at the time of the student's absence. A valid cause for an absence includes illness (including mental or behavioral health of the student), observance of a religious holiday, death in the immediate family, family emergency, other situations beyond the control of the student as determined by the Board, voting pursuant to policy 7:90, Release During School Hours (10 ILCS 5/7-42 and 5/17-15), other circumstances that cause reasonable concern to the parent/guardian for the student's mental, emotional, or physical health or safety, or other reason as approved by the Superintendent or designee. Students absent for a valid cause may make up missed homework and classwork assignments in a reasonable timeframe. (Board Policy 7:70)
Our first concern when a child is absent is to verify the child's safety. For that reason, it is important that the school office knows the whereabouts of your child(ren) when they are absent or will be late arriving at school. Parents should contact the school to give the child's name, grade, and reason for absence by calling the attendance line or completing the online form. Absence calls for the following day can be made by leaving a message. If the parent does not notify the school and the child does not arrive at school, the parent will be called. 
The District strongly urges parents to coordinate vacation plans or other activities with school vacations. Classroom experiences cannot be reconstructed for students who are absent. Parents who find it necessary to remove their students from class during non-vacation periods should understand that it is the responsibility of the child and/or the parents to contact the teacher. Make-up assignments are based on teacher discretion. The preferred method to address missing work is to request the assignments prior to absence from school. Vacations are considered unexcused absences. 
If a child arrives late to school, the student is considered tardy if the child arrives within 30 minutes of the start of the school day at Westbrook, Lions Park, and Fairview and within 82 minutes of the start of the school day at Lincoln. If the student arrives beyond the tardy time, it will be a half-day absence or full-day absence, depending upon the time of their arrival or dismissal time. The parent/guardian will sign the child in at Westbrook. At Fairview and Lions Park, the child can enter the building without a parent/guardian, and a pass is provided to the child to go to class. At Lincoln, the child signs themselves in with the time of arrival. 
Leaving School Early
If your child must leave school early, please contact the school office at least 2 hours in advance so that your child can be ready at your pickup time. 
Mental Health Support Days
In August 2021, Governor JB Pritzker signed a bill allowing students aged 6 to 17 to take up to 5 excused school days off for mental health and behavioral reasons, including emotional, psychological, or social well-being. A medical note is not required. If your child requires a mental health support day, please follow the typical attendance procedures. 
If you or someone you know needs help or wants to discuss mental health concerns, contact:
  • Dial 988 to reach the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
  • Text HOME to 741741 to reach the Crisis Text Line
  • Contact Safe2Help Illinois: Dial 844-4-SAFEIL, Text SAFE2 (72332), email [email protected]

Submit an Absence Online

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