Sex Education

Voice Recognition

Sex Education

At this time, District 57 will not be adopting comprehensive personal health and safety (grades K-5) and comprehensive sexual health education (grades 6-12). District 57 will continue its current offering of non-comprehensive sex education classes allowable under School Code. 
Grade Level
5th Grade
Puberty - Understanding Changes
Candor Health Education
6th Grade
Human Reproduction & Embryology
Candor Health Education
8th Grade
Teen Sexual Health
Candor Health Education
Early Childhood-8th Grade
Erin’s Law (age-appropriate child sex abuse and assault awareness and prevention)
Illinois Public Act 097-1147
D57 Social Workers
Families will be notified in advance of these presentations. They will have an opportunity to learn about the programs prior to implementation and will have the opportunity to opt their child out of participation.

Non-Comprehensive Sex Education
In Grades 5,  6, and 8, students will receive instruction in sex education from our non-profit partner Candor Health. Below are the program goals of each program.
Grade Level
Title of Presentation
Program Goals
5th Grade
Puberty I - Understanding Changes
Students will…
  1. Increase their knowledge of human anatomy
  2. Identify changes that are common during puberty and ways to manage these changes
  3. Increase their comfort in discussing and caring for their changing bodies
6th Grade
Human Reproduction & Embryology
Students will…
  1. Explain the functions of the reproductive organs
  2. Describe the process of fertilization
  3. Recognize stages of growth during prenatal development (embryology)
  4. Identify social-emotional learning (SEL) tools to manage life challenges
8th Grade
Teen Sexual Health
Students will…
  1. Recognize that the decisions they make can impact their sexual health
  2. Identify the powers they possess to make decisions about their sexual health
  3. Understand sexual intercourse and its relationship to human reproduction
  4. Understand STIs, how they are transmitted and ways to minimize risk of transmission
Erin’s Law (Illinois Public Act 097-1147)
Erin’s Law (Illinois Public Act 097-1147) requires public schools to provide age-appropriate child sexual abuse and assault awareness and prevention education for children in pre-kindergarten through twelfth grades. Annually, D57 social workers provide age-appropriate child sexual abuse and assault awareness presentations for students in early childhood-eighth grade. Parents/guardians are notified in advance of these presentations and have the option of opting their children out of this presentation. Parents/guardians may also view the content prior to the presentation. 
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